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- getBeamCount() - Method in class org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.Asterisk
Gets the value of the property beamCount.
- getBeamCount() - Method in class org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.Rays
Gets the value of the property beamCount.
- getBottomLeftHeight() - Method in class org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.MultiRoundRectangle
Gets the value of the property bottomLeftHeight.
- getBottomLeftWidth() - Method in class org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.MultiRoundRectangle
Gets the value of the property bottomLeftWidth.
- getBottomRightHeight() - Method in class org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.MultiRoundRectangle
Gets the value of the property bottomRightHeight.
- getBottomRightWidth() - Method in class org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.MultiRoundRectangle
Gets the value of the property bottomRightWidth.
- getCenterX() - Method in interface org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.CenteredSilhouette
Gets the value of the property centerX.
- getCenterY() - Method in interface org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.CenteredSilhouette
Gets the value of the property centerY.
- getDepth() - Method in class org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.Arrow
Gets the value of the property depth.
- getDirection() - Method in class org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.Lauburu
Gets the value of the property direction.
- getExtent() - Method in class org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.Rays
Gets the value of the property extent.
- getFill() - Method in interface org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.Silhouette
Gets the value of the property fill.
- getHeight() - Method in class org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.Arrow
Gets the value of the property height.
- getHeight() - Method in class org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.MultiRoundRectangle
Gets the value of the property height.
- getHeight() - Method in class org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.RoundPin
Gets the value of the property height.
- getId() - Method in interface org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.Silhouette
Gets the value of the property id.
- getIr() - Method in class org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.Donut
Gets the value of the property ir.
- getIr() - Method in class org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.Star
Gets the value of the property ir.
- getOpacity() - Method in interface org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.Silhouette
Gets the value of the property opacity.
- getOr() - Method in class org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.Donut
Gets the value of the property or.
- getOr() - Method in class org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.Star
Gets the value of the property or.
- getRadius() - Method in class org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.Almond
Gets the value of the property radius.
- getRadius() - Method in class org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.Asterisk
Gets the value of the property radius.
- getRadius() - Method in class org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.Astroid
Gets the value of the property radius.
- getRadius() - Method in class org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.Cross
Gets the value of the property radius.
- getRadius() - Method in class org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.Lauburu
Gets the value of the property radius.
- getRadius() - Method in class org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.Rays
Gets the value of the property radius.
- getRadius() - Method in class org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.RegularPolygon
Gets the value of the property radius.
- getRadius() - Method in class org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.RoundPin
Gets the value of the property radius.
- getRise() - Method in class org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.Arrow
Gets the value of the property rise.
- getRotate() - Method in interface org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.Silhouette
Gets the value of the property rotate.
- getRotationAxis() - Method in interface org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.Silhouette
Gets the value of the property rotationAxis.
- getRoundness() - Method in class org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.Asterisk
Gets the value of the property roundness.
- getRoundness() - Method in class org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.Cross
Gets the value of the property roundness.
- getScaleX() - Method in interface org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.Silhouette
Gets the value of the property scaleX.
- getScaleY() - Method in interface org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.Silhouette
Gets the value of the property scaleY.
- getScaleZ() - Method in interface org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.Silhouette
Gets the value of the property scaleZ.
- getShape() - Method in interface org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.Silhouette
Gets the value of the property shape.
- getSides() - Method in class org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.Donut
Gets the value of the property sides.
- getSides() - Method in class org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.RegularPolygon
Gets the value of the property sides.
- getSides() - Method in class org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.Star
Gets the value of the property sides.
- getStroke() - Method in interface org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.Silhouette
Gets the value of the property stroke.
- getStrokeDashOffset() - Method in interface org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.Silhouette
Gets the value of the property strokeDashOffset.
- getStrokeLineCap() - Method in interface org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.Silhouette
Gets the value of the property strokeLineCap.
- getStrokeLineJoin() - Method in interface org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.Silhouette
Gets the value of the property strokeLineJoin.
- getStrokeMiterLimit() - Method in interface org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.Silhouette
Gets the value of the property strokeMiterLimit.
- getStrokeType() - Method in interface org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.Silhouette
Gets the value of the property strokeType.
- getStrokeWidth() - Method in interface org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.Silhouette
Gets the value of the property strokeWidth.
- getStyle() - Method in interface org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.Silhouette
Gets the value of the property style.
- getTopLeftHeight() - Method in class org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.MultiRoundRectangle
Gets the value of the property topLeftHeight.
- getTopLeftWidth() - Method in class org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.MultiRoundRectangle
Gets the value of the property topLeftWidth.
- getTopRightHeight() - Method in class org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.MultiRoundRectangle
Gets the value of the property topRightHeight.
- getTopRightWidth() - Method in class org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.MultiRoundRectangle
Gets the value of the property topRightWidth.
- getTranslateX() - Method in interface org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.Silhouette
Gets the value of the property translateX.
- getTranslateY() - Method in interface org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.Silhouette
Gets the value of the property translateY.
- getTranslateZ() - Method in interface org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.Silhouette
Gets the value of the property translateZ.
- getWidth() - Method in class org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.Arrow
Gets the value of the property width.
- getWidth() - Method in class org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.Asterisk
Gets the value of the property width.
- getWidth() - Method in class org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.Cross
Gets the value of the property width.
- getWidth() - Method in class org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.MultiRoundRectangle
Gets the value of the property width.
- getX() - Method in class org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.Arrow
Gets the value of the property x.
- getX() - Method in class org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.MultiRoundRectangle
Gets the value of the property x.
- getY() - Method in class org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.Arrow
Gets the value of the property y.
- getY() - Method in class org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.MultiRoundRectangle
Gets the value of the property y.
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