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idProperty() - Method in class org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.AbstractSilhouette
idProperty() - Method in interface org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.Silhouette
initializing - Variable in class org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.AbstractSilhouette
irProperty() - Method in class org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.Donut
irProperty() - Method in class org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.Star
isManaged() - Method in interface org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.Silhouette
Gets the value of the property managed.
isRounded() - Method in class org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.Rays
Gets the value of the property rounded.
isSmooth() - Method in interface org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.Silhouette
Gets the value of the property smooth.
isVisible() - Method in interface org.kordamp.jsilhouette.javafx.Silhouette
Gets the value of the property visible.
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