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PomChecker CLI

Command line tool for checking POM compliance.

  • check-bom - Checks that a POM is a minimal BOM.

  • check-maven-central - Checks that the POM complies with the rules required for uploading to Maven Central.

$ pomchecker --help
Usage: pomchecker [-hV] [COMMAND]
Usage: pomchecker [-hV] [-D=<key=value>]... [COMMAND]
  -D=<key=value>    Sets a System property. Repeatable.
  -h, --help        Show this help message and exit.
  -V, --version     Print version information and exit.
  check-bom            Checks if a POM file is a minimal BOM file
  check-maven-central  Checks if a POM complies with the rules for uploading to
                         Maven Central
$ pomchecker check-bom --help
Usage: pomchecker check-bom [-dhiqVw] [--[no-]fail-on-error] --file=<pomFile>
Checks if a POM file is a minimal BOM file
  -d, --debug                Set log level to debug.
  -D=<key=value>             Sets a System property. Repeatable.
      --[no-]fail-on-error   Fails the build on error.
      --file=<pomFile>       The POM file to check. Defaults to pom.xml.
  -h, --help                 Show this help message and exit.
  -i, --info                 Set log level to info.
  -q, --quiet                Log errors only.
  -V, --version              Print version information and exit.
  -w, --warn                 Set log level to warn.
$ pomchecker check-maven-central --help
Usage: pomchecker check-maven-central [-dhiqVw] [--[no-]fail-on-error] [--[no-]
                                      fail-on-warning] [--[no-]release] [--[no-]
                                      strict] --file=<pomFile>
Checks if a POM complies with the rules for uploading to Maven Central
  -d, --debug                Set log level to debug.
  -D=<key=value>             Sets a System property. Repeatable.
      --[no-]fail-on-error   Fails the build on error.
      --[no-]fail-on-warning Fails the build on warning.
      --file=<pomFile>       The POM file to check. Defaults to pom.xml.
  -h, --help                 Show this help message and exit.
  -i, --info                 Set log level to info.
  -q, --quiet                Log errors only.
      --[no-]release         Checks if version is -SNAPSHOT.
      --[no-]strict          Checks if <repositories> and <pluginRepositories>
                               are present.
  -V, --version              Print version information and exit.
  -w, --warn                 Set log level to warn.